Friday, January 9, 2009

Time for renewal

It's been a busy week. I worked last weekend, with several new admissions which means new history and physical workups, and then this week the pace never let up. Yesterday was my birthday, and in spite of being so busy with patients, everyone gave me a nice little party with cake and ice cream, flowers and balloons, and cards that everyone signed. It's a measure of the close feeling we have for each other that we get to do this kind of thing. It was nice being on the receiving end.

The patient flow was hectic all week though. I don't know all the figures but it was like a revolving door, with admissions, deaths, and a few discharges home. I really felt like I was on a treadmill much of the time just to get the work done. The compensation for working last weekend is that I have a 3 day weekend now, and it's time to rest and recover.

Recovery is vital to being able to work in hospice for the long haul. This work is very stressful, even more so to me than critical care was. Burnout is a common occurrence, and you have to make a conscious effort to renew your own spirit. So this weekend I'll be taking walks, reading some fiction (I like mysteries), maybe sitting on a beach somewhere. I'll be spending some quality time with my family. Monday when I return to work, I'll be ready once again for the challenges.

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